Internet-based Work From Home Jobs For You To Try!

The World Wide Web or simply the Internet offers a vast opportunity of different online jobs that you can work on right at the comfort of your own home. You just have to have a decent Internet connection and a working laptop or computer and you are all set to different Internet-based job opportunities out there in the web! I was once a living proof to that when I became a Virtual Assistant sometime in 2014 when I was hired as a writer and proofreader to a Europe-based travel website. 

The Virtual Assistant job was short-lived though, but I enjoyed it very much because of the things I learned from assisting my client. The online job was basically write and edit articles for them and upload them in their travel websites. They also asked me to do other travel-related tasks which are also needed for the entirety of the project. The tasks were easy really, but the down falls of the job were that I have to be on Skype for the whole 8 hours of work and my time was not even mine at all. It was not a part-time online job but a full time one. 

We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain. --- Stephen Hawking

Internet-based or Web-based Work From Home Jobs

For the past 15 years or so, job opportunities have significantly changed its landscape from the travel-to-work in the office to what is now more popularly known as Work From Home. Perhaps the never-ending traffic and the hassle of commuting are the main contributing factors to the rise of Work From Home job opportunities, aside from the COVID-19 pandemic problems. For now, here are some of the Internet-based Work From Home Jobs that you might want to try:

  • Be an Online Content Writer. This job requires minimum knowledge of different online platforms such as, Wordpress, Joomla, or at least a comprehensive understanding of the client's own Online Content Management System. Aside from that, most Online Content Writer job opportunities come from offshore, so it will be helpful if you have a handful of tricks for a good command of the English language and at least an understanding of the subject-verb agreement to be hired as one.
  • Be a Freelance Website Developer. To become a freelance web developer you have to have at least an advance knowledge of HTML5 codings or PHPs, some basic Photoshop skills, a decent Internet connection, some marketing skills (this is the part where you endorse yourself to others), and perhaps some personal connections to different clients. Being a freelance website developer takes a lot of guts because your greatest rivalry here are those with the same profession as yours and other big companies out there that offer website development.
  • Be an Independent Video Editor or Filmmaker. While there are already apps out there that offer instant video editing and filmmaking, nothing can really compare with the works of a professional video editor and filmmaker. Video editors are mostly used in the recent years during weddings, debuts, and other significant occasions for their SDE or same day editing, but a filmmaker is a different story. Nowadays, if you have a basic video editing skills, you can upload videos on YouTube and start earning from home. However, a video editor with advance video editing skills together with a filmmaker's mind can make a short movie with CGIs to make the video more exciting to watch. Back in 2018, a pre-wedding Avengers-themed film went viral, which was created by Wonderlast Films, an independent film maker in the Philippines. Below is the said video, you decide:

  • Be an Online Tutor or Mentor. Online classes are so in these days so why not try a career in online tutoring or perhaps online mentoring if you really want to ride the bandwagon. Being an online tutor or an online mentor requires a mastery of any subject that you can think of! It may be school subjects like Math or English, tips on how to improve financial stability, or even an online live art workshop! Of course this work from home job requires like I said, a mastery of any kind of topic, a good Internet connection, and some online connections that might turn into profits! 
  • Be a Social Media Manager. A few decades earlier, a social media manager would mean being a ghost writer to anyone of elite status. Nowadays, it is kind of the same thing, however, the medium for ghost writing just evolved from published books to different social media pages and accounts. A social media manager for a particular person or organization would require the skills and knowledge of different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. It may also require organizational skills, and a slight knowledge of Photoshop and some photography skills. I have met people who manages up to 8 social media pages and accounts. Can you do more?
  • Be an Online Seller. Even before the pandemic, selling online is already the hype, it just accelerated even more when the COVID-19 pandemic affected the worldwide health and social status of everyone. Nowadays, it seems like everyone is on online selling, maybe because everyone is also into online shopping. Online shopping gives us the convenience of buying a desired product online right at the ease of your own home. To become an online seller, you have to have at least a skill for selling products, a decent Internet connection, knowledge of different social media or online selling platforms or website, and of course, products to sell! 

Overall Thoughts

The work from home setup is not really a new concept and it has been going on for years now, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the work from home job opportunities have started to shine like they weren't there before. The world today is now on work from home mode to keep us safe and secure, and to keep the economy alive! It looks like this setup will be staying here for a little while.

See you soon!

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EK Manalaysay is full-time office employee with years of work experience in the HR Admin Department. He also enjoys browsing the Internet and watching movies and series on streaming websites.